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Pandesal (Filipino Bread Roll)

Pandesal is the king of Filipino breads – it’s sold in every panaderia in the country and not one panaderia will leave off selling pandesal to hungry customers every day. 
Prep 30 minutes
Rest 2 hours 30 minutes
Cook 12 minutes
Total 3 hours 12 minutes
Servings 24


  • 240 ml milk, (1 cup)
  • 2 eggs, large
  • 480 grams all purpose flour, (4 cups)
  • 35 grams powdered milk, (1/4 cup)
  • 83 grams caster sugar, (3/8 cup)
  • 2 1/4 tsp instant yeast
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 57 grams unsalted butter, softened, (1/4 cup)

For coating

  • 28 grams breadcrumbs, (1/4 cup)


  • In a small bowl, combine milk and eggs, beating gently. Set aside.
  • In a separate bowl, mix the flour, milk powder, sugar, yeast, and salt until combined.
  • Slowly add the milk and egg mixture to the dry ingredients. Knead for a few minutes until the dough clumps.
  • Add butter in batches while kneading constantly. Knead until the windowpane stage or when the dough is smooth and elastic.
  • Form into a ball and transfer to an oiled bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and let it rest for 1-2 hours or until doubled in size.
  • Transfer the dough onto a floured surface. Punch down to slightly deflate the dough.

Forming the pandesal

  • Option 1: Roll the dough into a rectangle. Starting with the long nearest you, roll into a log and pinch the ends to seal. Cut into 24 pieces, slicing diagonally. Roll each piece in bread crumbs and place onto a baking sheet with the cut side up.
  • Option 2: Divide the dough equally into 24 pieces. Shape each piece into a ball and roll each in bread crumbs before placing onto a baking sheet .
  • Cover the pandesal and let it rest for 30 minutes or until the pandesal doubles in size.


  • Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180C/350F.
  • Bake the pandesal for 12 minutes or until they’re golden brown.